Our Mission

To help children achieve their highest levels of functionality, independence, growth and quality of life thus living their life to the fullest and fulfilling their dreams by maximizing their potential.

Our Vision

Our vision at KIDDOS Child Development Center is to offer a compassionate and stimulating atmosphere that promotes the holistic development of every child. We envisage a place where children are recognized for their individual skills and feel secure and supported to explore, discover, and learn at their own pace.

Our Values

Nurturing Hearts, Empowering Minds - Our Kiddos Child Development Center is driven by experts fostering a compassionate inclusive atmosphere in which each child's unique potential is valued and embraced.
About Us

Welcome to Wellknox Kiddos, Hyderabad

Wellknox started in 2014 as India’s number one In-Patient Medical Rehab facility with 25 beds and has grown over the years into India’s best and largest Rehab with 200 beds across Hyderabad and expanding soon across India. Wellknox has the most advanced state of art equipment in this field of Rehab including Full body Robotic Exoskeleton and Aqua therapy.

Wellknox Kiddos is a multispeciality therapy clinic specially designed to offer the best autism treatment and care in Hyderabad. Interventions for Autism Spectrum Disorders are conducted in Occupational Therapy, Behavioral Therapy, Individual Education Program, Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA) Therapy, Child Psychological Services, Speech Therapy, etc. We also deal with other child developmental issues such as ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder), Developmental Delay, Learning Disability (LD) and other neurodevelopmental disorders like Mental retardation and Cerebral palsy, etc.

The treatment starts with a detailed initial assessment, based on which the therapy or a combination of therapies is customized and prescribed.

At Wellknox, we have a multidisciplinary team of dedicated and trained professionals who provide all the essential therapies for children with developmental delays. Our team comprises neurodevelopmental therapists, occupational therapists, speech therapists, counseling psychologists and clinical psychologists, etc. We give every child the utmost care and attention while monitoring their progress every month with thorough check-ups.  


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Years of experience
Kids Treated
Successful Sessions
+ Staff
Our Team

Dr. A. Naveen goud

Head of The Department - Wellknox Kiddos

Ms. Aparna .D

Audiologist, Speech & Swallow Therapist

Dr. Gajjela Ashok

HOD - Wellknox Rehab

Ms. Prameela Jella

Behavior Therapist

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