Special Education


Special Education

Wellknox Kiddos, Hyderabad offers a specialized educational program designed to meet the unique learning needs of individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). It provides a structured and individualized approach that focuses on addressing the specific challenges and strengths of individuals diagnosed with autism.

Our program is well-equipped and staffed with trained professionals who specialize in working with individuals diagnosed with autism.

What makes our special education services in Hyderabad unique?

  • Individualized Instruction: We offer individualized strategies tailored to the specific learning needs and strengths of each individual.
  • Structured Environment: Individuals with autism often thrive in structured and predictable environments. Our special education program provides consistent routines, visual aids, and clear expectations, which help children feel safe and secure. This structured environment fosters learning and reduces anxiety or sensory overload.
  • Targeted Social Skills Development: Our special education program focuses on social skills training, providing opportunities for social interaction, communication, and building relationships. These programs use various teaching strategies to teach social cues, social reciprocity, and appropriate social behaviors, enhancing the social and emotional development of children.
  • Communication Support: Many individuals with autism experience challenges in communication. Our tailored therapies offer specialized communication skills, including alternative and augmentative communication methods such as PECS (Picture Exchange Communication System) or speech-generating devices. These programs work to improve receptive and expressive language skills, enhancing communication and self-expression.
  • Behavior Management and Support: Our therapists work closely with children to identify triggers, manage challenging behaviors, and develop coping mechanisms. This promotes self-regulation, reduces behavior challenges, and creates a conducive learning environment.
  • Academic Skill Development: Our special education program helps to improve academic skills such as reading, writing, math, and problem-solving. Our counselors use evidence-based instructional methods and teaching materials tailored to the individual’s unique learning style and abilities.

At Wellknox Kiddos, Hyderabad, our special education program empowers individuals with autism to reach their full potential and lead fulfilling lives. We work in collaboration with parents and caretakers in ensuring the success and effectiveness of the therapy.

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