Psychological Intervention Therapy


Psychological Intervention Therapy

Psychological Intervention Therapy is a specialized form of therapy designed to help children on the autism spectrum to develop and improve their social, communication, and behavioral skills. The overarching goal of this therapy is to support children in reaching their full potential and improve their overall quality of life by addressing emotional, social, work, school and physical health concerns.

At Wellknox Kiddos, one of the best pediatric psychology clinics in Hyderabad, our team of certified counseling psychologists provides assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of various psychological symptoms. One of the key goals of child psychology therapy for autism is to enhance social skills. This may involve teaching children how to initiate and maintain conversations, interpret nonverbal cues, and engage in appropriate play interactions. By improving social skills, the therapy aims to help children with autism and their families form meaningful relationships.

Another important goal of our psychological intervention therapy is to enhance communication skills. This can involve speech therapy, teaching alternative communication methods such as sign language or picture cards, or using assistive technology devices. The aim is to help children with autism effectively express their thoughts, needs, and feelings, thus reducing frustration and improving their ability to interact with others.

Additionally, our therapists work on identifying and addressing the challenging behavior of autistic individuals using various strategies. This helps them gain better self-regulation and improve their overall behavior in various settings.

When should parents consult a psychologist?

A child who displays symptoms of autism should consult a psychologist for a clear diagnosis. At Wellknow Kiddos, one of the top child and adolescent psychology clinics in Hyderabad, our certified psychologist would first take a detailed history of the child followed by comprehensive testing to gauge the severity of the disorder. Based on the results, a diagnosis is made and accordingly, an intervention plan is designed.

Individuals with autism often experience anxiety, stress, frustration, low self –esteem and depression. They may also have difficulty coping with uncertainties or controlling their emotions, etc. Therefore, it is important that parents should consult a counselor trained in cognitive and behavior therapy to help their child lead a more positive and improved quality of life.

Psychological Intervention Strategies for a Child with Autism

  • Behavior Therapy
  • Positive Reinforcement
  • Token economy
  • Extinction
  • Modeling
  • Planning activities
  • Social Skills Training

Effectiveness of Psychology Therapy

Psychology Therapy leads to improved social interactions, better communication skills, increased independence, and enhanced self-esteem. It also helps reduce anxiety, improve daily living skills, and enhance academic performance. Ultimately, child psychology therapy for autism aims to empower children with the necessary skills and support to thrive in various aspects of their lives.

Wellknox Kiddos is one of the most reputed child and adolescent psychology clinics in Hyderabad. We understand every child is unique, and therefore, the specific goals and benefits of therapy may vary depending on their individual needs and strengths.

If you are considering psychology therapy for a loved one with autism, it is advisable to consult with our team of qualified therapists who can explain to you our unique therapy programs. We also provide online consultations for child psychology services in Hyderabad.

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